HPP Me?uvršje | NORTH Control

HPP Me?uvršje

System NEMO 2013 is a modular multi-channel system for simultaneous online monitoring and protection aggregates fromvibration, in accordance with:

  • ISO 10816-1:1996 and ISO 10816-5:2000 for absolute bearing vibrations
  • Group of ISO 7919 standards for relative shaft vibration.

Manufacturer of the system is American company ProVibtech and within it, is provided the monitoring absolute vibration vibration hydro-aggregates beds, and relative vibration – vibration back into the zone of hydro-aggregates beds. The system is installed in Hydropower plant “Me?uvršje”.

The number of channels from which to form a monitoring system is virtually unlimited and depends only on the projected needs. In this case set a 13 – channel system for the protection of hydro-aggregates bearings according to ISO 10816-5:2000 and platepackage in accordance with ISO 10816-1:1996 and recommendations HYDRO QUEBEC. In addition, the system allows you to connect to the SCADA system at the analog level.

In accordance with the terms of reference next measurements are covered:

  • absolute casing vibrations of upper carrier bearing in generator, from X and Y axes in the radial direction.
  • absolute casing vibrations of carrier bearing in the axial direction.
  • the relative vibrations of the shaft in the region of the upper guide bearing the X and Y axes in the radial direction.
  • absolute casing vibrations of bottom carrier bearing in generator, from X and Y axes in the radial direction.
  • the relative vibrations of the shaft in a carrier bearing of the lower zone of the X and Y axes in the radial direction.
  • absolute casing vibrations of the turbine carrier bearing of the X and Y axes in the radial direction.
  • the relative vibrations of the shaft in a carrier bearing of the turbine area of the X and Y axes in the radial direction.
